OK Conference FAQs

What? NASW-Oklahoma Chapter's 2-day conference with workshops, opportunities to earn continuing education hours and network.

When? March is nationally recognized as "Social Work Month." NASW-Oklahoma celebrates Social Work Month by hosting the NASW-OK State Conference in March of each year on the second Friday and Saturday, which falls on March 11th and 12th, 2022.

Where? The NASW-Oklahoma State Conference is held at the Reed Center in Midwest City, Oklahoma located at 5800 Will Rogers Rd, Midwest City, OK 73110.For directions, click here



Who can attend NASW-Oklahoma 2022 State Conference?

  • The conference is a good fit for social work practitioners, social work educators, social work students, human services workers, and anyone interested in social services and social change.

What does my registration fee include?

  • The full convention registration includes attendance at all plenary sessions, coffee breaks, workshops on Friday and Saturday. One day registrations for Friday or Saturday include all plenary sessions, coffee breaks, and workshops for the day you’ve registered.

Can you take my registration over the phone?

  • If you are paying with a credit card, we can take your registration over the phone. If you are paying with a check, you will need to mail in your registration. If your company/agency wants to pay for your registration with a check, please see the next question.

Can I register now and have my company send a check later?

  • Registration must be complete with payment to be accepted. We will accept a company check, but it must accompany your registration. For invoicing, see next question.

What if my company needs an invoice to pay for my registration?

  • If your agency requires an invoice, please contact NASW-OK directly at 405 286 4540 or  director.naswok@socialworkers.org . We understand that many organizations have a lengthy check requisition process, so plan accordingly to ensure we receive payment in time.

My organization/university is sending a group of people. How can we register everyone?

  • If your organization needs to register a group and pay with a check, please contact our office.

Can I register a group online?

  • Yes. You will need to input each registration separately and pay for each one separately. If you wish to make one payment for the group registrations, please contact NASW-OK directly at 405 286 4540 or  director.naswok@socialworkers.org  to make arrangements.

Reduced Rates

My company is exhibiting, can I attend and get CEUs for a free or reduced-price if I staff our booth?

  • Exhibit staff can receive CEUs for the Friday morning Keynote Address and for the Saturday morning plenary session. If staff wish to attend other workshops and want to receive CEUs, they will need to register and pay a full registration fee, unless your organization’s sponsorship includes complimentary registrations.

Is there a discount for students or retired social workers?

  • Yes! We provide a discounted rate for retired members and student members. If you are retired and have that member status with NASW, you will receive the discounted rate.


I have to cancel. Can my registration fee be transferred to a future conference?

  • No.

Can I get a full refund?

  • From the moment a registration arrives, staff time and resources are spent. If you need to cancel your registration, there will always be a processing fee to cover what time and resources have already been used. All cancellations incur a $25 processing fee. If you cancel within 6 days of the conference, you will receive a 50% refund (minus the processing fee). If you cancel within 5 days of the conference, there is no refund.

Can I attend and pay for only part of the conference?

  • We offer one-day registrations for a discounted price from the full registration fee. But there are no partial-day registrations available.

What if I need to leave early or can’t stay for the entire conference?

  • For multi-day conferences, participants are offered maximum flexibility with the CEU Record of Attendance. Attendees can have the Record of Attendance initialed for those workshops they attend and earn credit for those hours.


Can I volunteer if I am not a member?

  • Volunteering is a member-only benefit. For information on how to join NASW,  click here .

How are volunteers selected and are they admitted for free?

  • Conference volunteers are critical to the smooth working of our conference. If a member has been active in the organization at any level and has demonstrated the skills needed for conference volunteering, NASW-OK may ask them to volunteer at conferences. If you have an interest in volunteering, there is no formal application process. Contact the office for more information.
  • Volunteers are welcomed to attend our conferences for a reduced rate.

I’d like to volunteer, but can’t stay for the whole conference, can I still be a volunteer?

  • NASW-OK staff depends on volunteers to pitch in during the conference. If you are interested in helping with a portion of the conference, please contact the NASW-OK office at 405 286 4540. Please note this is a member benefit only.

CE Credit

If I can’t attend the full conference, can I still get full CE credit?

  • Full credit cannot be given if the attendee cannot stay for the entire time.

Can the representatives we are sending to staff our exhibit booth get CE?

  • Exhibit staff can receive CEUs for the Friday morning Keynote Address and for the Saturday morning plenary session. If staff wish to attend other workshops and want to receive CEUs, they will need to register and pay a full registration fee, unless your organization’s sponsorship includes complimentary registrations.

Wait List

One of the sessions I wanted is full. Is there a waitlist for sessions?

  • Not at this time

Overnight Accommodations

Can you help me find a roommate for the conference?

  • NASW-Oklahoma does not coordinate roommates.

The hotel block is full, what do I do?

  • There are a number of hotels in the area near the conference hotel. Attendees are welcome to do a Google search for ideas on where to stay.

Special Needs/Other

I have special needs as outlined by ADA, can you accommodate me?

  • If you require special accommodations, please provide a written request along with a completed registration form and payment at least 30 days prior to the registration deadline for the conference. Requests received after this deadline may not be able to be processed or fulfilled in time.

I am vegetarian/vegan/gluten-sensitive/other dietary restriction, can I be accommodated?

  • Our registration form has a place to indicate your meal preference (either regular, vegan, or gluten-free). We use this information to place our meal order with the hotel. If you have dietary restrictions not included within these categories, please indicate this on the additional comments section of the online registration form. If you are mailing in your registration, please make a note on the form that you send to us.

I am a nursing mother. Can arrangements be made for me to take care of those needs while at a conference?

  • Yes. We make arrangements with the hotel to have at least one private room available to nursing mothers.

My childcare provider canceled/I cannot get childcare. Can my children sit with me during the workshops?

  • To ensure that professional development remains the focus for everyone, and to ensure your child’s comfort and safety, the environment in the workshop rooms must remain childfree.

My family is joining me at the conference. Can they participate in meal functions?

  • Although we would like to accommodate everyone who would like a meal, meals are only for paying attendees. We cannot accommodate family members at meal functions.